You know yourself: you start to see things about yourself that you didn’t see before and also start to understand your kind of person.
You naturally feel the need to end friendships or relationships: As you grow, you’ll realize some people are not meant to be in your life, you even outgrow some friendships without realizing it.
You start taking a risk: risk taking is something that takes courage, when you’re taking a risk you’re prepared for the consequence and that is growth.
Owning up to your past and present mistakes. This right here, shows how much you’ve grown.
You don’t want drama: As a grown or growing person, you’ll choose peace/stability over drama.
You forgive and move on as fast as possible: I feel like holding grudges shows how immature you are, learn to forgive and move on.
You stop depending on others for your happiness and realize only you can make yourself happy.
When your perception of life has changed for the better.
You’re making time for yourself: When you start enjoying spending time alone, you tend to think properly about things and get to know yourself better.
You question your actions and face your responsibilities.
You should know that personal growth has nothing to do with age.