Back then I had just little knowledge in skincare. so I’d go online and search for solutions and that really messed my skin up.
I’ve literally had to learn the hard way while using some skin products and everything listed below almost damaged my skin.
Exfoliating 2-3 times weekly. There was time I’d literally exfoliate every single day. It messed my skin up for real .
Using sunscreen daily and being generous with it. Using little or no sunscreen can affect your skin barrier leading to cancer, sunburn e.t.c.
Using active products at night because they work better at night .
Going for face mask,wash or scrub containing lemon instead of using the fruit to scrub my face.
Avoid organic skincare vendors because 80% of them just mix rubbish together and sell to people. I started having serious hyperpigmentation and sunburn while using organic products,went to another vendor to help but I just kept on wasting money. I learnt the hard way with them.
I wish I knew my skin type earlier