Stretch marks are beautiful but can make you lose confidence if It is in an exposed part of the body. Anyone can have stretch marks no matter the kind of skin they have. Stretch marks can appear on the skin when the stretches and it can be genetic. Sometimes it can appear on the skin if it has been too stressed. Women mostly are at risk of having stretch marks, being pregnant, and gaining or losing weight. Men have stretch marks too but in their case, it is mostly genetic, muscle building, weight gain, and weight loss.
How to fade it gradually
Use aloe fresh aloe Vera gel on the affected area daily. Aloe Vera is one of the best natural skin treatments for healing. A Stretch mark is a scar from the stretching of the skin and aloe vera’s healing properties will help fade it
Use skin products containing retinol, they help stretch marks appear smaller. It is advisable not to use retinol if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
Use raw /original honey, It helps promote skin growth and also repair skin.
Use hydraulic acid. This acid helps to reduce the appearance of lines, tighten the skin and also reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Use coconut oil, olive, or argan oil. They contain skin tightening and fading properties.
Fresh turmeric contains properties that fade scars and stretch marks. If you’re using a dry (powdered) one, mix it with water or even coconut oil, olive oil, or lemon juice for better results.
Medical treatments
See a dermatologist
Go for a chemical peel
Laser therapy
Use medication that can help tighten the skin.