Anxiety is a state where you feel restless, worried, or nervous about something, and dealing with it can be quite tiring because an anxious person is likely to experience fatigue.
people with anxiety disorder are never really in a good shape, they are in fear, they struggle to control their feelings or even concentrate, and can be easily triggered. Anxiety can make a person sick, it has been confirmed to speed up heart rate causing panic attacks and also cause chest pain.
How to deal with it
knows what triggers you and learn how to avoid or control it.
Listen to nerves calming songs,
Drink enough water and eat a well-balanced meal.
Talk to your friend/friends when it starts, people who make you happy and laugh would help a great deal.
Practice yoga or go for a walk if possible.
Write your thoughts down
See a doctor if you get panic attacks due to anxiety
Pray to God for peace.